Why does my child worry so much? How comprehensive evaluations can help find the real diagnosis
Alex was eight and in third grade when I met him. He was referred to me because of his behavior problems and was said to have “Oppositional Defiant Disorder.”
Live Purposely in the New Year
I was sitting with a client a few weeks ago -- someone I have known for some time. He is a hard-working professional, husband, and father.
Media and Technology: The Worry Monster’s Biggest Ally
Media and technology have changed our lives in many positive ways. Radio brought local and world news, and entertainment to our family rooms.
Taming Normal Teen Anxiety
During childhood, young people typically remember the stages of their lives in time stamps of school years and summer vacations.
Living 2e Comes Full Circle at SENG Conference
Last month, I gave the opening keynote address on "2e 360: Lessons Learned From Working With 2e Youth, Raising 2e Kids, and Living 2e" at the annual SENG (Supporting Emotional Needs of Gifted) Conference in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Summer Movies and Books May Provide Parallels to Life's Challenges For Your Kids
Two of this summer's most popular movies are stories of young people dealing with the harsher challenges of life both through illness and evil.
Family Matters for Father's Day
In his roles as Executive Director of Summit Center, author of books on creativity and worry, and national speaker on raising creative kids who can communicate and lead fruitful lives, Dr. Dan Peters finds himself writing a lot about his personal life.
Dr. Dan Peters on Parenting a 2e Child
The annual SENG (Supporting Emotional Needs of Gifted) national conference is coming to San Jose, July 18-20, 2014– in the Bay Area for the first time ever.
10 Steps for Parents and Kids to Tame the Worry Monster
Anxiety has become a regular part of our society and daily lives for our children (and ourselves).
A Worry List Can Help Your Child Become a Worry Warrior
In the first installment of my three-part blog series on Worry and your child, we talked about the definition of worry.
What Type of Anxiety Might Your Child Be Experiencing?
In my last blog, I talk about worry and anxiety and how these emotions manifest themselves as stressors for our children both physically and emotionally.
Does Your Child Know the Worry Monster?
We all live with worry from time to time, some more than others, but as adults we've hopefully learned to deal with these uncomfortable feelings in productive ways.